Freitag, 22. August 2014

Testrun Ludum Dare 30

I made a short testrun and I think I'm ready.

A javascript version is available at my dropbox account. But it's nothing special, you can just jump and run and the Box2D debug renderer is still enabled :).

The code, which is undocumented because I was in a hurry, is available at github project which I made for it.

Have a nice weekend everyone, lots of while programming and maybe while watching Capaldi :)


Timelapse made with TechnoLapse made by technocf. Thanks!

Tools used for development:

  • Library: LibGDX(Java)
  • IDE: IntelliJ Idea
  • Graphics: Inkscape, Spriter
  • Other tools: TexturePacker, Tiled (map editor).
  • Platforms: Native Java application and Web version (Chrome works best).