- Adjectives are prefixed with is-. Examples:
However, adjectives applying to a plural noun have no prefix:
- isChecked()
- isDown()
- isEmpty()
- isMovingEnabled()
- scrollBarsEnabled(), not areScrollBarsEnabled()
- Verbs have no prefix and don't use the third person (-s):
- acceptDrops(), not acceptsDrops()
- allColumnsShowFocus()
- Nouns generally have no prefix:
Sometimes, having no prefix is misleading, in which case we prefix with is-:
- autoCompletion(), not isAutoCompletion()
- boundaryChecking()
- isOpenGLAvailable(), not openGL()
- isDialog(), not dialog()
Dann sind ihnen wohl die Ideen ausgegangen.
Quelle: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qq/qq13-apis.html#theartofnaming (a bissl runter scrollen)